The Volleyball Clinic is for girls in grade 2 and 3. It is an 8 week fun and exciting time in which young girls will learn the basic skills of the game of volleyball. There are six stations at which coaches teach the fundamentals. During the last one or two weeks of the Clinic, the girls play scrimmages, applying the skills they have learned. There will be a short devotional time where we share biblical principles with the players and encourage them to pursue a life with Christ every week.
Date: January 9 – February 27, 2025 Clinic is one day a week for one hour.
Day/Time: Thursday 5:15pm-6:15pm
Fee: $40.00 Registration Fee (includes t-shirt)
Refund policy: $5.00 fee retained if refund requested. No refund will be given to any player who withdraws after the second week of clinic. An exception may be granted at the discretion of the staff due to medical reasons only. Further, no refund will be given to any player removed from the league during the course of the season for disciplinary reasons.
Registration: Registrations will be available Oct 16, 2024. Payment with debit/credit card is required with online registration and check/cash with paper form at the Welcome Desk in church. We will accept registrations until the league fills up, or until deadline January 3, 2025, whichever comes first. Church offices closed Thanksgiving Day and the day after and during the Christmas holidays.
Click on button at top of page to Register online with debit/credit card. (when available)
CLICK HERE TO PRINT REGISTRATION FORM to turn in at church Welcome desk Mon-Fri 9am-3pm with check/cash.
Requests can be made on registration form, however, they are not guaranteed. Please click on this link to view our Updated Policy on Team Rosters Requests that affect the competitive balance of the team cannot be honored.
Parent Meeting: during first clinic on January 9, 2025.
Coaching: Running a volleyball clinic for this age group requires a great number of volunteers.
We need you! Our hope is to have at least three coaches per team. If you would be willing to help out with coaching at this year’s clinic, please be sure to let us know on your child’s registration form. First Friends will provide you weekly with all the information you need to coach a one hour session. No previous experience is necessary.
Coach’s Training: Every week 1/2 hr prior to start of clinic beginning at first clinic. Coaches will receive drills and instructions from the director for that week’s clinic.
Gender Policy Statement: (Oct 12, 2017) Please note that when we list ‘boy’s/men’s’ or ‘girl’s/women’s’ we are referring to the birth gender of the participant. For all of our leagues, classes, unless they are designated as Coed, it is our policy that players participate within the gender designation that complies with the previous statement. We want to thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
Questions? Contact First Friends Sports Outreach: 330.966.6868 or
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