General Information

Friends Drawing Class 1 for beginner students age 6-10.  Students will learn a step-by-step process of breaking an object or animal into smaller parts using line and shape in order to create an accurate drawing.  Students will be encouraged to create interesting backgrounds and details using real-life examples and pictures. The instructor will develop additional curriculum based on student interest and ability in which students may explore color, texture, value, form, perspective, and/or proportions.  Individual creativity will be encouraged.


Session Dates/Times:   Classes will NOT resume in January 2025.  Classes will be held during our Spring Session.  Please check back in early March, 2025.

Classes are held once a week.


Parent Meeting:  TBD


Drawing class Exhibit, Date/Time:  TBD



Fee:  $35.00 (2024 fee subject to change)  Supplies required, see Miscellaneous tab for list.
Refund Policy:  $5.00 fee will be retained if refund requested.  No refund will be given to any student who withdraws after the first week of classes. An exception may be granted at the discretion of the staff due to medical reasons only. Further, no refund will be given to any student removed from the class during the course of the season for disciplinary reasons.



Registrations:  Registration will be available online with debit/credit card or with paper registrations and check/cash payment one month prior to start date of classes.   Please be sure you receive a confirmation email after you complete the online registration.     Late registrations will be accepted if space is available. Office hours are 9am-3pm.   Class fills up very quickly.


Click on button at top of page “Register Now” to register online with debit/credit card.




Instructor:  TBA


Questions?  Contact First Friends Sports and Recreation Ministries at Ph #330-966-6868, email




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What to wear?  Students should wear comfortable clothing following the modesty requirements (shorts longer than fingertip length, shoulders and bellies must be covered, no words on the derriere) and comfortable shoes.  Color stain marks may happen, an Art Shirt is recommended.


Supply list needed:
Pad of Drawing Paper (24 sheets of 18″ x 24″)
Fine & Broad Tip Markers in assorted colors, including black
Scratch Paper (printer paper is ideal)
Pencil & Eraser (No Mechanical Pencils)
Portfolio for large papers
File folder to contain loose papers (8 1/2″ x 11″)
Art Shirt recommended

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Parent Resources

Please click on link to view  Parent Welcome Letter (when available)

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Memory verse:






Contact Us

5455 Market Ave N.
Canton, OH 44714

A ministry of  First Friends Church

© 2025