This league will play in a three division format, breaking up the players by grade and ability. It is designed for girls in grades 4, 5 and 6 with beginner through advanced skill levels. Players of any skill set, beginner through advanced are welcome. Skill assessments for registered girls are held in late November, early December, and practices beginning in January with the season ending in March each year. Registration normally begins in late October, or early November.
Skills that will be taught include serving, serve reception, setting, passing, blocking, and transitioning. The adapted net height and the use of USVA certified Volley Lite volleyballs ensure personal success. Each team consists of a roster of 9 players and two coaches. There are 8 games with practices once a week.
League Dates: December 3 – March 14, 2025
Fee: $55.00 Registration Fee
Jersey fee: $20.00 (If you have the First Friends blue/yellow reversible tank style volleyball jersey you do not have to purchase a new one.)
Refund Policy: $5.00 fee retained if refund requested. 50% of registration fee will be retained if refund is requested after Jan. 1st. No refund will be given to any player who withdraws after the second week of practice. Exceptions may be granted at the discretion of the staff due to medical reasons only. Further, no refund will be given to any player removed from the league during the course of the season for disciplinary reasons.
Registration: Online registration with debit/credit card payment will be available October 16, 2024. Paper brochure registrations will be in the church brochure racks by October 18, 2024 and can be turned in at the church Welcome Desk with check/cash during office hours Mon-Fri 9am-3pm. A paper form will be available to download and print from the link below. League fills up quickly. If you register online, please be sure to check your email for a confirmation immediately after completing the online registration and submitting payment. Please check your account and make sure payment was withdrawn from your account. If you do not receive a confirmation email, or payment withdrawn, the registration was not successful. Call the sports office at 330-966-6868 with any questions.
Register in the appropriate age group (registering in the wrong age group without approval could cause you to miss a spot due to quick fill up). No one moves without staff approval.
Registration deadline: Dec 3, 2024 or when league fills up, whichever occurs first. Registrations will be accepted after this date if space available. Church offices will be closed Thanksgiving Day and the day after, and during the Christmas holidays, Dec 24 – Jan 4. Offices will re-open Monday, Jan 6, 2025.
Register online with debit/credit card by clicking on the button at top of this page.
CLICK HERE TO PRINT REGISTRATION FORM If you want to pay with check/cash and turn in at Welcome Desk during office hours, 9am-3pm Mon-Fri.
Requests can be made on registration form, however, they are not guaranteed. Please click on this link to view our Updated 8/23 Policy on Team Rosters Requests that affect the competitive balance of the team cannot be honored. Once team rosters have been posted, please view and contact us immediately if your request was not met, or your daughter is scheduled to practice at a time she is not able to attend.
Mandatory Skill Assessments: There are two assessments scheduled for each league and we request you attend both. Skill assessments are for Pre-Registered Participants only. Please arrive 30 minutes early to check in and pick up and pay for your jersey.
First Assessment: Dec 3, Times 4, 5, 6 or 7pm. Please check website Nov 25 for schedule. Please plan to arrive 20 minutes early to get checked in at the Sports Office by the gym. For 2024/25 we will provide numbered labels to place on back of shirt for identification during assessments.
Second Assessment: Dec 5. Schedule will be posted on website after first assessment.
Parents Meeting: Dec 3 during assessments. Parent Meeting notes will be available to print out from this website after first week of assessments.
Practice Days: Tuesdays. One day a week for 1 hr and 15 min at 4pm, 5pm, 6pm or 7pm (if needed). Practices begin January 7, 2025 . Extra practices Saturday Jan 11, Times TBA.
Devotions: There will be a required 15 min devotional each week, on practice nights AFTER your practice. This is required, any player missing devotionals will sit out their first rotation of next game.
Coaches Needed: Parents, if interested in helping with coaching, please indicate so on registration form and plan to attend meeting. Coaches Meeting Time/Date: Nov 16 at 9am or Nov 18 at 6pm. Location: First Friends Church inside gym area. Please email Sports Ministry at
Game Day/Time: Saturdays at 9am, 10am, 11am or 12Noon. Schedule will be posted in January prior to first game. Some weeknight games.
The Celebration will be Friday, March 14. Time: 6pm in First Friends Church gym. First Friends Sports will provide the pizza, drinks and paper products.
Parents please bring the following to share:
- RED Division: Desserts
- BLUE Division: Salad
- WHITE Division: Side Dish
Doors open at 5:30pm.
Policy Statement: (Oct 12, 2017) Please note that when we list ‘boy’s/men’s’ or ‘girl’s/women’s’ we are referring to the birth gender of the participant. For all of our leagues, classes, unless they are designated as Coed, it is our policy that players participate within the gender designation that complies with the previous statement. We want to thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
Questions? Call 330.966.6868 or email
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